Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) – The Incident of Deceptive Pomegranate

Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s) – The Incident of Deceptive Pomegranate

(Reference : Behaarul Anwaar Volume 52, Ch: 29)

Allamah Majlisi says: I heard from some reliable scholars that in the time of the British rule in Bahrain, they appointed a Sunni Muslim as governor despite the fact that the majority of the population was Shia. There was also a particular Sunni minister who was an enemy of the Shia. One day he brought a pomegranate to the governor. On the pomegranate,the names of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Imam Ali (a.s.) were found,together with the inscription that these were the four Rightful Caliphs of the Muslims.

“La Ilaaha Illa Allah, Mohammed Rasool Allah, Abu Bakr wa Omar wa Othman wa Ali Kholefa’a Allah”

The minister claimed that this was a natural miracle and a sign from Allah that the Shia belief was incorrect.He urged that now the Shia should not be regarded as Muslims and be asked to become “true” Sunni or be killed or made to pay the taxes of non-Muslims.The governor was delighted at this occurrence and summoned the Shia scholars and put the three alternatives to them. The Shia were amazed when they saw the fruit and asked for three days to return with their reply. This time was granted to them and they went away wondering what to do. Finally they decided to seek help from the Holy Imam (a.s.).Three pious scholars were selected and each one was to go out of the city into the wilderness and pray for the assistance of the Holy Imam (a.s.). On the first two nights, the first two scholars spent the whole night in prayers and supplications, but with no success. On the third night, the third scholar, saw an impressive personality approach him at dawn.

The man asked him what the problem was. He replied that if he was truly his Imam then he would surely know the problem. The Holy Imam (a.s.) then replied that he was aware of the difficulty and not to worry. He told the scholar to go with the governor to the minister’s house the next day, and insist on going to the top terrace. There he would find two moulds with the false inscription printed on them. These moulds had been fitted into the growing fruit so that, as it became larger, the words were embedded in it. He further told him to ask the minister to break open the fruit and witness the power of Allah.The next morning matters proceeded as the Holy Imam (a.s.) had ordered. When the minister was told to take everybody on to the top terrace he went pale and began to make excuses.

At the governor’s insistence, he reluctantly led them to the place, where they found the articles as described by the Holy Imam (a.s.). Eventually the governor asked the minister to break open the fruit. When he did so, black dust flew from it and smeared his eyes and beard. The minister was executed for his treachery while the Shia scholars left with honor and dignity.