
The names and titles of our Imams (a.s.) are not conferred by common men but are selected by the Almighty in view of their characteristics. Hence, each name and title bears a special significance. In general, all our Imams (a.s.) are similar in grace and...

The most important issue regarding the belief in Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is of his occultation (Ghaibat) i.e. being concealed from the eyes of the common people. According to the traditions, Ghaibat is the Sunnah of the past prophets. Past prophets like Hazrat Yunus (a.s.), Hazrat...

According to both the Shia as well as Sunni historians, Imam e Zamaana (a.t.f.s.) is already born. This is a well established historical fact. For example, the famous Sunni historian Ali Ibn Masoodi says: “In 260 A.H. during the reign of Motamid Abassi, Abu Muhammad...

[one_third]   TITLES OF HAZRAT IMAM-E-ASR (A.S.): AL MAHDI Prophethood and Imamat were instituted to guide people towards the right path, dissuade them from vanity, restore human qualities, suppress the evil temptation of ones self, living peacefully, curb and eliminate evils such as jealousy, enmity,...

[dt_divider style=”thin” /] [one_third] READPlease click here to show you latest update about articles.  [dt_button size=”small” style=”default” animation=”none” color_mode=”default” icon=”” icon_align=”left” color=”” link=”” target_blank=”false”]Read more……[/dt_button] [/one_third] [one_third] FIND A TRADITION ON IMAM MAHDI (ATFS) – BY TOPICS – BY BOOKS – BY SHIA / NON...

[one_third] EPISTLES (TAWQEEAAT) OF IMAM MAHDI (ATFS) – PART 1 On the commands of Allah, Hazrat Vali-e-Asr is in occultation right from the commencement of his Imamat. Hence as opposed to his forefathers (a.s.), Imam’s meetings with his Shias have been few and far between....